3 Steps To Planning Fun

3 Steps To Planning Fun

Hey there! Guess what happened on my morning walk last week? Hint; there were 100km/hr winds overnight…. …my path was turned into an obstacle course and even though there was some damage, most of what I saw was tree parts across my path. So I went over and...
How to Discover Work Life Balance

How to Discover Work Life Balance

I discovered balance and you can too, here’s how… Begin with seeing what is happening so that you can start now… Having a job you love, having a partner you love doesn’t mean you can find joy.  Maybe you’re 🤨 Eating healthy for a few days...
Building Better Boundaries

Building Better Boundaries

Discover what boundaries mean to you and you’ll soon be building better boundaries. Better boundaries can include internal ones, boundaries with others and boundaries with work or life situations. We almost always achieve healthier outcomes by using better...
1 Secret And 3 Gifts To End Bad Habits

1 Secret And 3 Gifts To End Bad Habits

Happy September, I hope this is a happy time of year for you. It is for me; it’s my sister’s and one of her granddaughter’s birthdays (her babies are my babies), and that means lots of celebrating – even though I can’t be there this year...
3 Sure Steps Before You Waste Time On Another Loser Date

3 Sure Steps Before You Waste Time On Another Loser Date

Feeling the pain of heartache, again, and you don’t know if you will ever find true love? Here are 3 sure steps to do before you waste time on another loser date. Create a list of your ideal partner’s characteristics and values (reach out if you want the pdf...
Cleaning up those “I’ll be happy when” thoughts

Cleaning up those “I’ll be happy when” thoughts

Last week I introduced the  “I’ll be happy when…” scenario (it’s here if you want to catch up). And, as I mentioned, the first step to almost any change is awareness … awareness of what we are thinking. What does this have to do with happiness, I hear you...
I’ll be happy when…

I’ll be happy when…

Have you ever said, “I’ll be happy when…”? I realised I was saying “I’ll be happy when I have 20 clients” And to be honest, I’m sure you have said it too. Just like a friend the other day who was saying; I’ll be...
Searching For Silver Linings?

Searching For Silver Linings?

Do you go straight into searching for silver linings… or the opposite, always reeling in the negativity unable to get out? Have you ever had something ‘bad’ happen and jumped right into finding the silver lining? No? Maybe that’s just me? It...
Saying Yes … Wishing You Said NO!

Saying Yes … Wishing You Said NO!

Have you ever said yes and wished you could say no? I’m sure that you, like me, have had many times when you’ve regretted the YES but gone ahead anyway… because you said yes. Some people think coaching is about saying yes to clients. About...