Let’s explore; there are so many Moments To Explore!
I’ve just come back from a week in Bali with my hubs. The water was sooooo warm! It was a short & relaxing first visit, preceding a bike trek he’s now on.
One night, we were woken by what sounded like someone coming in through the door. BANG BANG BANG.
We concluded it was likely a cat because once we were fully awake and listening properly, we heard the animal growl, [cat-like] and noisily scamper away.
Our bodies have countless systems that run on autopilot—things like digestion, heart rate, and blood pressure—all of which happen without us even knowing about them, all from our subconscious.
There’s One System We Can Control: Our Breath
We can’t change our heartbeat just by thinking about it. [unless you’re a trained yogi].
We can’t alter our digestion with a simple thought.
But breath? That’s different. We can slow it down, speed it up, hold it, deepen it, or let it flow.
The ability to control our breath IS power & FEELS powerful.
It’s usually automatic, but focusing on it can shift everything – next time you feel stressed or triggered.
….. Slow. It. Down: Inhale comfortably and exhale twice as long—it works like Switching On Relaxation
We all know breathing keeps us alive; it is also our built-in way to reset.
I’ve had a few moments where a deep breath saved the day, just like that night in Bali.
After being startled awake, my heart was pounding.
So, I breathed… I imagined my breath flowing into and out of my heart.
I noticed my heart rate slowing and my comfort levels rising. I was ok.
Now, let’s explore how we can use that same focus and intention in other areas of life—like celebrations.
After all, celebrations feel good, right? So why aren’t we finding things to celebrate day after day?
This was the situation in one of my recent coaching sessions, where we were able to switch a moment of “nothing to celebrate” into a powerful win.
When prompted, my client “noticed” there may have been something during a meeting that went very differently from previously.
Then, when we focused, she saw the change was in her response during a meeting. It felt like it was natural now—Her new way of being.
Celebrating is about shifting perspective and exploring how noticing, even the smallest efforts, enhances breakthroughs.
Here are some thoughts to ponder…
- What if there is always something to celebrate?
- And, what would change if we put celebrating on autopilot?
As I went back to sleep that night, I sure celebrated learning about heart breathing.
Lynne xoWe had a great time, just like here, we’re walking
and smiling after brunch by the sea!
And on the right was my morning view,
And yes, I’m missing it, now I’m back!
Over 90% of people miss this simple truth: You are already whole. Take a breath and embrace it. Are you ready to explore more ways to grow? Grab a Manual, join me on social, or let’s chat!
1. Each day in October, I’m sharing simple “Intentions” tips on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn (links are below), or you can reach out, and I’ll send them to you!
2. Ready to dive into being more intentional? Grab the 50-page manual. It’s free!
👉 Click Here for The Resilient Mind Manual.
3. Want to say hello, let’s get together for a coffee chat. You can ask me questions or tell me what’s happening in your world.
👉 Click here let’s chat!
4. Remember those big successes in your life and career…
Those ones you’re annoyingly aware of because you…
♥ Know what to do towards your next goal…but aren’t doing it (p.s. neither are a lot of others, no matter what you’re ‘seeing’)
♥ Feel you have no control to do anything because the stuff you’re doing isn’t working (email me and I’ll share the simple solution to this one)
∇ Limit yourself to what feels ok and do-able instead of doing what you dream of… THIS!! Matters, your dreams matter!
Looking for a bigger change? Then, it’s time to stop stress from taking the lead. Email me with YES! Or tap here. It takes you to a booking calendar.
It’s time to get control & get started.
Email me with YES! Or tap here. It takes you to a booking calendar.
Lynne Durham Coaching,
Certified Life Coach,
Hypnotist & EFT Practitioner
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