I used to end days feeling drained and frustrated, wondering why I wasn’t making progress on my to-do list.
One day, it hit me: I was caught in the ‘low hum’ of overthinking—like when I’d ‘finished’ a workbook but kept tweaking it again and again.
The issue wasn’t incompletion or lack of time—it was all the tiny, unnoticed ways my energy was slipping away.
Those were the hidden energy leaks that were draining my day.
Signs Your Energy Has A Slow Leak—And Why It’s Costing You More Than You Realise.
A ‘slow leak’ doesn’t mean a total breakdown—it’s the energy you lose in small, unnoticeable ways. In ways that continue like a low hum in the background, it might look like indecision, constant overthinking or people-pleasing.
They happen because we’re conditioned to push through without pausing to check what’s really draining us.
It’s not a form of failure—it’s a blind spot we all share until we stop to look for it. That is until we become aware of it.
Here’s what I mean by that:
1. You end the day feeling completely drained—despite the disappointment of not ticking much off your to-do list.
- Maybe: You spent the day answering emails, fixing someone else’s “urgent” issue, and getting caught up in small, low-priority tasks. By 5 PM, you’re exhausted, but your big project deadline hasn’t moved an inch closer.
- I’ve had days like this- sorting out someone’s travel plans while that important recording I’d promised to send sat untouched; ugh.
2. You say ‘yes’ to things out of habit but resent it later. Churning over what you “should have done”
- Perhaps: Your colleague asks you to “help quickly” with their presentation. You agree -even though you’re swamped- because you don’t want to disappoint them. Later, you’re frustrated because it ate into the time you planned to use for your own project, which just keeps on being pushed further and further back.
- Have you ever noticed how much you are an expert in hindsight too?
3. Your mind feels like it’s in overdrive—it keeps on buzzing, even when you’re not working.
- Like when: You’re lying in bed, but instead of falling asleep, you’re replaying a meeting where you stumbled over your words or mentally drafting tomorrow’s email response. You’re physically still, but your brain won’t switch off.
- Oh, the times my mind has kept me awake, whirling around at 3 am!
4. You keep thinking, “I’ll rest after I finish this,” but you never quite get there because the finish line keeps moving.
- Such as: You plan to take a break after finishing one report, but a colleague asks for a “quick review”, and suddenly, it’s 3 hours later. Lunch is skipped, and chocolate cravings are kicking in.
- Been there, hangry and behind on my own tasks!
Here’s a solution [or at least an experiment to try]. Based on what I’ve used with clients to help plug the leak:
I call it the Energy Check-In. It’s a simple 3-step process to help you spot where your energy is slipping away and take control before it drains you completely.
1..Pause and Reflect:
At the end of your day (or whenever you feel drained), ask yourself: “Where did my energy go today? Or If it’s during the day, where am I sending my energy right now?”
- Were you able to focus on your priorities, or were you distracted by the latest family drama, wondering when you’ll get the next call for help?
- When I started asking, ‘Where is it going?’ I found I could refocus on the task at hand AND mentally park that ‘drama’ for later.
- Did it go to things that mattered to you, or did it get lost in tasks you felt obligated to do?
- Noticing this helps you understand the drain and also check in on the choices** you made.
**Always remember to be compassionate to yourself here.
- Noticing this helps you understand the drain and also check in on the choices** you made.
- Did overthinking steal time that could’ve gone toward rest or something more self-supportive?
- Really pay attention to how your mind responds in the moment. I get clues if I answer this with something like; I shouldn’t have needed rest, or I should be able to just do it.
2. Identify One Small Leak:
Look for just one thing that stood out. Was it:
- Saying yes to something you didn’t have time for?
- Like when my car was booked in for repair and I agreed to ‘drop something off’ anyway—only to end up with vapours pouring from the engine. A simple no would’ve saved so much time and energy.
- Spending too long second-guessing yourself?
- I’ve definitely been the person wondering if it needs another edit, only to go around in circles and end up at the same place.
- Giving your attention to a low-priority task instead of something meaningful?
- Oh yes, I catch myself scrolling or folding laundry instead of completing and hitting send on an email.
3. Experiment With a Fix:
Practice what you would have done instead; select one micro-move to plug that specific leak. For example:
- If you overcommitted today, relive that moment and practise saying, “I’ll get back to you on that,” instead of giving an immediate yes.
- Practising “no, can we make it another day” works on voice notes or in the mirror.
- If overthinking stole your time, relive that moment and see yourself commit to and set a timer for 5 minutes to brainstorm (or worry), then move on. [If this feels too hard or unrealistic, do some tapping after the 5 minutes to help establish the break].
- If you got stuck on low-priority tasks, relive that moment and see yourself committing to and blocking off 1-2 hours in your calendar for focused work on what really matters. Now, as you relive it, see yourself viewing your calendar, knowing you’ll get your important things done.
- I like to visualise the outcome I want—whether it’s completing the task or enjoying the result. This mental rehearsal helps me feel more in control and less drained.
Find out more with the Micro-Moves Starter Kit
You have created a new experience in your mind, which is where all reality lives. You have practised plugging the leak and feeling the experience of a new reality.
Next time an Energy Leak happens:
You will have a NEW alternate automatic response. A response that supports your personal energy instead of draining it.
You are creating micro-moves, those small, realistic shifts that build momentum.
Ready to reclaim your energy and focus on what matters most? Let’s talk. I offer a free 60-minute consultation where we’ll pinpoint what’s draining you and explore if coaching with me is the right fit for you!
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