Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning to trust is possible, one step at a time. Last week I bought a pretty ring, it was after all my birthday. I walked in, saw it tried it on and said yes!. It all took about 5 minutes. I know what I like and, it had all the right things (colour, style etc.) it...
Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Lynne Durham | Are you feeling a slave to your inbox or avoiding checking emails? Time Management – The EMAIL issue Email management – start with 5 minutes a day! Although you might not feel like it, you are in control of your email inbox. Emails are there to serve...
15 Things To Make Your Life Better

15 Things To Make Your Life Better

15 Things To Make Your Life Better; In Or Out Of Quarantine! This COVID-19 crisis has radically changed our lives. Just a few months ago, we had no idea our ‘world’ would be confined to our homes! This crisis is a powerful reminder of how important freedom...

Get Anything Done; Procrastination Busting

The word procrastination comes from the Latin words pro (for) and cras (tomorrow) and literally means to leave something “for tomorrow.” Psychological scientist Fuschia Sirois of Bishop’s University in Quebec reports that trait procrastination—that is, a tendency to...

How to welcome the new year!

You might be asking what is the best way to move from one year to the next. There are usually things to let go of because they no longer serve you and things to remember with love in your heart. Here is a quick “how to” for you to kick-start your new year...