Have you ever said yes and wished you could say no?
I’m sure that you, like me, have had many times when you’ve regretted the YES but gone ahead anyway… because you said yes.
Some people think coaching is about saying yes to clients. About encouraging them into whatever they decide.
That isn’t what coaching is about – a client recently told me about how she “couldn’t offer a calendar” booking link because she didn’t have the time.
When I asked her deeper questions, she found out that she was afraid to open her calendar – she didn’t want to feel the stress of not controlling her calendar.
As her coach, I am responsible for helping her see her own thoughts, the ones she isn’t willing to see. The ones she doesn’t want to see.
In this case, it was the one that was blocking her from allowing her clients to book their massages more easily.
Blind encouragement would not have identified her block, nor would it have helped her move forward with her new decision.
- The one that allows her to test her new booking system!
- The one that allows her to block her personal time off and allow people to book their own times at pre-determined times.
- The one that frees up her time because she’s no longer taking phone bookings!
- The one that gets her more bookings because it’s so much easier for her clients!
One of the amazing things about having a coach by your side is they are there to back you when appropriate and to challenge you when you need it.
I used to be a people pleaser, always saying yes, and now I know it’s possible to learn the skill of saying yes and saying no.
Most of all, I know we can learn to say yes to ourselves, which is amazing!
Are you waking up at night wondering how to get out of that “helpful” thing you said yes to?
Message me and let me know what you’re looking for, and I’ll share some guidance.
Lynne xx
Lynne Durham
p.s. When you’re ready, I offer a 2-hour comprehensive session, where you walk away with the plan created for you and your problem, along with the steps to make it happen.
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