Money Consciousness Story Quiz!

Money Consciousness Story Quiz!

  Leave this field blank Rate your agreement to the below statements (optional) 1 =100% Disagreement up to 5 = 100% Agreement. Name Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate. 1 2 3 4 5 I'm not very good at sales and marketing. 1 2 3 4 5 I don't feel...
Steps To Becoming Naturally Calm

Steps To Becoming Naturally Calm

  I am aiming to help you best manage the additional stresses many of my clients are experiencing. Confidence and comfort come when you leave the worry behind, by becoming naturally calm. Becoming naturally calm is about awareness; start by inviting awareness...

Experimenting and allowing failure

I experimented today I went live from Zoon onto Facebook and it isn’t perfect or even close! If you’d like to see it on Facebook… please scroll forward 3 minutes to miss all my not knowing how it worked! Watch it here and remember to let me know you...

Sphere’s Of Influence

Find out what your Spheres Of Influence are to de-stress your mind. As with all the tools I provide, this one is a very quick way to create change. If you are noticing your emotions exploding more than usual this workbook is precisely for you. Please know, with all...
Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning to trust is possible, one step at a time. Last week I bought a pretty ring, it was after all my birthday. I walked in, saw it tried it on and said yes!. It all took about 5 minutes. I know what I like and, it had all the right things (colour, style etc.) it...
Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Lynne Durham | Are you feeling a slave to your inbox or avoiding checking emails? Time Management – The EMAIL issue Email management – start with 5 minutes a day! Although you might not feel like it, you are in control of your email inbox. Emails are there to serve...