A new year often means looking at goals, are you getting ready for that too? Or, are you looking at creating anything you want? A lot of the time, sticking to a new (or old) goal or a new decision or a new plan gets turned into a chore which to me is nothing like fun....
December has snuck in! Are you feeling ready or feeling busy? I hear you, everyone is talking about being busy and even more so this time of year, everyone is busy busy busy too busy rushing no time for anything. No time to stop and smell the roses. No time to see...
Have you ever said yes and wished you could say no? I’m sure that you, like me, have had many times when you’ve regretted the YES but gone ahead anyway… because you said yes. Some people think coaching is about saying yes to clients. About...
Regular Sleep | Healthy Future Research shows that we spend up to one-third of our lives sleeping. Sleep is a basic human need, much like eating and drinking, and is crucial to our overall health and well-being. Sleep, like exercise and nutrition, is essential for...
“The Universe Is Change, Our Life Is What Our Thoughts Make It” This quote is from philosopher & author Marcus Aurelius who was born 1900 years ago and it still holds true today. The universe is constantly changing and particularly within our personal...
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