World Sleep Day is March 19 2021

Regular Sleep | Healthy Future Research shows that we spend up to one-third of our lives sleeping. Sleep is a basic human need, much like eating and drinking, and is crucial to our overall health and well-being. Sleep, like exercise and nutrition, is essential for...
Money Consciousness Story Quiz!

Money Consciousness Story Quiz!

  Leave this field blank Rate your agreement to the below statements (optional) 1 =100% Disagreement up to 5 = 100% Agreement. Name Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate. 1 2 3 4 5 I'm not very good at sales and marketing. 1 2 3 4 5 I don't feel...
Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning To Trust One Step At A Time

Learning to trust is possible, one step at a time. Last week I bought a pretty ring, it was after all my birthday. I walked in, saw it tried it on and said yes!. It all took about 5 minutes. I know what I like and, it had all the right things (colour, style etc.) it...
Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Drowning in Email? Something CAN be done!

Lynne Durham | Are you feeling a slave to your inbox or avoiding checking emails? Time Management – The EMAIL issue Email management – start with 5 minutes a day! Although you might not feel like it, you are in control of your email inbox. Emails are there to serve...