Feeling the pain of heartache, again, and you don’t know if you will ever find true love?
Here are 3 sure steps to do before you waste time on another loser date.
- Create a list of your ideal partner’s characteristics and values (reach out if you want the pdf worksheet)
- Compare – using your list – how did your EX match or clash with your ideal partner list
- Decide on your non-negotiables and that you will use this list in future to identify your ideal partner
With these three steps, you can confidently start dating again.
Imagine the certainty of knowing you have a checklist and you have a system for getting certainty with future dates.
If you’re stuck at step 1 or 2, you can heal your emotional pain using the Anti-Pain plan to get yourself there.
And then, after deciding in step 3 you can discover how to put the evaluation toolkit to work to equip you to know how to never go down the rabbit hole towards heartache again.
What you are doing now is hard, you can do hard things.