September is self-love month. How long has it been since you acknowledged the effort that you make every day or said a kind word to yourself?
Today is the day to show it and feel it deep in your heart.
Read on below or listen now…
One way is to check in with your inner child and show them some love.
You can do that by listening to this Inner Child meditation; you may experience such a heart-opening moment, and if you could use a dose of self-love, I suggest you try it. Click here
This week, I want you to start something; it might be new.
I want you to write yourself a love letter, poem or bullet journal entry, and, if you’re feeling brave, share it!
If you have trouble complementing yourself, take some time to think about all the great things you’ve done, all the great things about you, and all the great things that have worked in the past; I already know there are soooo many!
Take that list and write them into a love letter to yourself. Write something special just for you. You could write on post-it notes around your house, in your car or cupboard.
It could be written on beautiful paper and mailed to surprise you when it arrives days later.
The world needs more love, and what better place to start than with yourself?
What comes up when I mention self-love? What would you like to learn most about self-love during self-love month?
Sometimes we think it is being selfish.
Sometimes we think it is being conceited.
Self-love is neither of these, and it is essential for you to have your own back, to be on your side when things don’t go right – which is inevitable.
No one has everything go the way they want; there are always challenges, and being able to love yourself through them can make the difference between wallowing in self-pity and picking yourself up and moving on.
I know self-pity well; it was one of my ways of being stuck, and I certainly didn’t use to understand how to love myself.
There is nothing selfish or conceited about supporting yourself and continuing until you attain what you want to achieve!
Do you already have a favourite self-love ritual? One of mine is walking, and I do walk a lot; I love it; sometimes it is “me time”, other times “friend catch up” time and sometimes “share on IG time”.
Time stacking is a part of my self-love time.
Here are some more ways to add self-love suggestions that are quick and free;
- Spend 5 minutes focusing on what you want from the day before you get out of bed to face the day
- Thinking about one thing you are grateful for yourself each day (choosing a specific time, say, when sipping your water makes it easier to remember).
- Decide each time you walk out of your bedroom; it will be tidy; when you arrive home, you’ll relish the welcome sight.
- Listen to this best-day meditation every day.
- Please book your free consultation with me to discover how you can begin or enhance your self-love journey.
I help clients learn how to love themselves more to enjoy a happier life.
And this is how I can help you too; how about your first act of self-love is to book your free consultation today?
It’s a fantastic process where I show you on the call; where you are blocked and how to move out of it. A consult is your opportunity for a self-love transformation.
Often, self-love doesn’t come naturally, especially after living a life of saying yes to others and not ourselves.
Are you ready for more? Let me know what your new self-love activity is.
Will you write or think about gratitude? What will you spend 2-5 minutes a day developing self-love?
Happy September!
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