Do you go straight into searching for silver linings… or the opposite, always reeling in the negativity unable to get out?
Have you ever had something ‘bad’ happen and jumped right into finding the silver lining?
No? Maybe that’s just me?
It could be something big
…like ending relationships, being passed over for a promotion or a pay rise, weight gain, feeling stressed… or something small, the classic, spilt milk… you pick.
Are silver linings even a thing for you?
Sometimes we just need to let go first.
I used to think seeing the silver lining in almost any situation was one of my superpowers.
And it does come in handy when you want to get out of experiencing something negative and search for the ultimate positive.
It took a long time to show up when I walked out of a 30-year corporate career in burnout.
I for sure did not think there would be a silver lining and I for double sure wasn’t looking for one.
The thing stopping us from seeing a silver lining isn’t because we can’t visualise them or meditate them into being.
It’s because we don’t want one at that time.
When I’m feeling overwhelmed I am not able to even think there could be a silver lining.
When we are in pain, when we are suffering, we don’t need to see the silver lining; what we do need is to process the feelings.
This isn’t about powering through, this is about processing.
I am all for seeing a silver lining because there really will be one… but only after the processing.
It took some months, my silver lining became very clear as soon as I was ready, and here I am living it!
Turns out, seeing silver linings is a superpower and now I get to help others process their feelings so they can see them too!
Next time, before you go straight into searching for Silver Linings, ask yourself; is there a feeling I am trying to push away or am I ready?
Happy silver linings!
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