Laughter Is Good For You
Doesn’t everyone want more laughter in their lives? Sometimes it may be difficult to get it, other times laughter abounds, what ways are you going to bring more laughter into your life? Have you ever asked yourself WHY you need to add laughter to your life? Have you ever wondered HOW to add laughter to your life? Next time you walk through a busy place, take a moment to stop and look around. What brings you joy? Can you hear someone laughing, which brings a smile to your face? Or are you seeing a lot of people with their heads down and no smiles on their faces? What if you started smiling and thought of happy thoughts and allowed laughter to bubble up …. might that encourage others to smile and laugh as well? I know, you and I; we all lead busy involved lives, consequently, we might be forgetting to laugh. What would it be like if you add smiling and laughing to your to-do list? Give it a go and leave me a message to let me know, I love hearing stories about how you change the environment by adding a smile and even some laughter! And here is another opportunity for you to laugh… this was pretending to be a chook (Aussie for chicken) at a laughter yoga session! There was clucking too!!

Side note; the above video was live on Facebook if you want to watch some of my many other videos for more tips and love click here
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