Get It Done Co-Working Session Membership!

Is Procrastination Taking Over?

  • That feeling of procrastination paralysis
  • No time to get things completed.
  • Sick of your to-do list not getting done.
  • Do you Want help brainstorming your work?
  • Are You Unsure of how to proceed or even start?
  • Is There 15 or 50 half finished projects waiting to be completed?

Wouldn't You Rather Be this.....

  • Feeling of and knowing you are an achiever
  • Set time every week to get things done.
  • Able to check off your to-do list every week. Woohoo!
  • Access to like-minded people for brainstorming.
  • Clarity on how to proceed or even where to start.
  • Finally! Completed projects, achievements acknowledged and celebrated!


Encouragement, Accountability & Success and lots more…..

  • Co-working sessions – no need to work alone!
  • Regular work sessions – a commitment to your business
  • Your choice of joining every week
  • 2 hours working on YOUR business!
  • Working in 25-minute pomodoros 
  • Socialising opportunities – meet new friends
  • Completing projects in less time
  • First session free to try it out
  • Monthly investment AUD $ 47.00 (current price)
  • 4 x 2-hour sessions offered each month
  • Attendance at any session is optional
  • Having fun whilst working is essential!
You helped me beyond words: to overcome so many of my personal fears and hesitations, to grow in confidence, to believe.

It is amazing how much I get done each week!

Loved the GID session today, working along side you ladies is so good for my soul.

Even knowing I'm having the session gets me mentally working through my project ahead of time

You are invited to join our facebook group for regular updates and invitations so you won’t miss a session.

Weekly session: Tuesday*

  • 7:30am – 9:30am  Melbourne 
  • *That’s U.S. Monday Afternoon &
  • and U.K. Monday Evening  

Get It Done Co-Working Session Membership!

FAQ: How does it work?

This link takes you to a platform where you can join, you will then be provided with the monthly membership login, from there you will see a clickable link to directly join each session. Get ready to get stuff done!

FAQ: What happens next?

Once joined, put those times in your diary and you will have a regular & reliable time to know you will get your tasks done every week, even once or twice a month will make a huge difference to getting it done.

FAQ: What if I can't make it?

You will be offered a choice of four sessions per month, that is 8 hours each month – you can join any session during for all or part of a session. Attending full sessions are recommended for full accountability. 

Get ready to see yourself completing those tasks you keep putting off.

Contact me here if you have any questions

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